Saturday, January 23, 2016

meeting minutes of MY Ltd AGM

Shareholder #1: The company is currently lacking in capable executives to run its operations. The training and re-skilling budget for employees is being cut this year. Why?


CEO: We from the higher management find that we don’t need capable executives to run the company. We just need executives that are submissive and loyal to the company’s higher management in order to keep the company afloat. Less so-called smart ideas more work can be done.


Shareholder #2: There has been a lot of complaint from the employees that the company does not provide adequate transportation allowances to cover their daily commute. Why?


CEO: We from the higher management find that their complaints are not justified. If they can’t afford the fuel price, take public transportations. If that is troublesome, they should wake up early and travel on roads that are free from toll charges. Better still, they can even ride a bicycle or walk to work. Look at the Europeans.


Shareholder #1: The company’s cafeteria is selling food with exorbitant prices. I just got normal fried rice just now and was charged a bomb for it. Won’t the employees complain?


CEO: We from the higher management find that the price is justified based on the economy outlook. If the employees can’t afford the food, they can always pack from home or bring some raw meat to cook at the office. We have just signed a deal with Cronies Ltd to provide state of the art cooking utensils in the pantries.


Shareholder #3: We don’t quite understand some transactions in the company’s Yearly Financial Records. There is a payment of approximately billions into a personal account for some services rendered. However it is not clear what those services are and who the vendor is.


CEO: Security, please remove Shareholder #3 from the premises for asking stupid questions.


Shareholder #1: There is a plus point we can see that the operating expenses has decreased immensely. Seems that this is largely due to the annual increment and bonus payout remains nil for 3 consecutive years. Will this affect employees’ morale and subsequently affect productivity?


CEO: We from the higher management find that this is totally a non-issue. We have instructed HR to provide counseling to the employees at a monthly basis and tell them that if the earning is not sufficient they can always get a second job or sell some of their personal belongings online to make ends meet. We have just signed a contract with MyBrother Ltd to provide internet training to assist them.


Shareholder #3: What the heck is the company’s direction to increase profitability and compete effectively in the global market?


CEO: Security, why is this troublemaker still in the premises. Call the police and ask them to send the Chief of Police here personally to escort him out. By the way, the meeting has come to an end as I am late for a golf session with the President of Utopia. I will hand over to my deputy to close the meeting.


Deputy CEO: Everyone please leave. On your way out please collect a document notifying that the company plans to buy 2 private jets for the CEO and his immediate family members’ business usage. Thank you all for coming and please continue to vote us into the higher management and do hold on to our under-valued company share.